Britney Spears dad orders mandatory bras & breakups

Britney Spears Loves Her Orange Soda?

I was glancing through this story, thinking about how funny it is that Jamie Spears is trying to put some kind of lojack on Britney’s nipples, when I came across the buried lead – according to The Sun, Jamie made Britney and Jason Trawick split up?!? What? Jamie thought Britney’s relationship with Jason was “too intense and volatile. He feared it was sending her back to her old ways. He warned her: ‘It’s Jason or your children’.” Jesus, I just shuddered. I mean, yes, I still think Britney probably needs the conservatorship, and I do believe she needs someone to help look out for her. But threatening a mentally unstable woman that she needs to dump her boyfriend (who seems like a good influence, seriously) or she won’t be able to see her kids? Ugh. It reminds me Changeling, when you found out all of the women in the asylum had been institutionalized because they pissed off the cops in various ways. Bad call, Jamie. If it’s true, that is. Anyway, on to a happier subject: Britney’s wayward nipples.

BRITNEY SPEARS’ worried father has banned her from leaving home without wearing a bra. Dad JAMIE – who has legal control over all Britney’s affairs – fears his troubled daughter is getting close to the brink again and has imposed a host of new rules on the Womanizer singer.

He is embarrassed by constant pictures of her nipples popping out of her clothes and has insisted she only leaves her Los Angeles home wearing the correct support.

Jamie, 57, is taking the order so seriously he has even threatened to sack one of the 28-year-old’s security guards who has let her be photographed bra-less several times in recent weeks.

Jamie recently forced his daughter to dump her 38-year-old boyfriend JASON TRAWICK because he was worried she was falling back into her emotional turmoil after years of recovery.

He feared their volatile relationship was sending fragile Britney close to the edge.

A pal revealed: “Jamie’s control over Britney’s life is incredible. He hates the pictures of her with her nipples all over the place so he has banned her from leaving the house without a bra. He wants her to put across the right impression. One security guard was told he is close to getting fired because he lets her go out without her bra.”

“It was also Jamie who made her split with Jason. He likes Jason but their relationship was too intense and volatile. He feared it was sending her back to her old ways. He warned her: ‘It’s Jason or your children’.”

The friend said Jamie treats his daughter “like a child” but added: “Jamie means it all for the best.”

[From The Sun]

FREE THE NIPPLES. No, I get it. Britney’s nipples (and her boobs in general) are out of control. I’ve been wearing a bra since I was 12 years old – I developed early, but they didn’t become huge until college, when my weight fluctuated. And save for a brief moment in college when I was like “screw my bra, I’m going commando” I’ve always been strict about my bra-wearing. It’s important! Because for that brief time period where I didn’t wear one, too many dudes commented about it. Just like Britney.
