Genshin Impact Salsa puzzle locations and solutions

Genshin Impact has released a new six-part World Quest in Fontaine called Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste. This quest tasks you with finding five paint canvases and solving a series of puzzles. A chest will spawn after completing each challenge, and an NPC named Salsa will appear upon opening it. Solving all five puzzles will then unlock the sixth and final puzzle of this quest line in Genshin Impact.

Completing Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste will also reward you with 155 Primogems, which include chests and an achievement. This article will showcase the locations of all the puzzles in this Genshin Impact quest and their solutions.

Genshin Impact: How to solve all six Salsa puzzles in Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste

West Slopes of Mont Automnequi

First puzzle location (Image via HoYoverse)

For the first puzzle, go to West Slopes of Mont Automnequi. You will find one container and three Water crystals, one of which is placed at a little distance from the other two. Form a Hydro Core using the Hydrogranas and put it in the container. Now make another core and stand between the other two Water Crystals to activate them. A chest will spawn, open it and talk to Salsa.

Solving the crystal puzzle (Image via HoYoverse)

In the second stage of the puzzle, move the farthest crystal and place it in the marked spot. This will complete the first challenge and give you 20 Primogems.

West of Elynas

The second puzzle location (Image via HoYoverse)

The second challenge is located in the west of Elynas region. Once again, there are three Water Crystals, of which two can be moved. Make a Hydro Core to move crystals to the middle and activate all of them. This will spawn another Exquisite Chest. Open it, and Salsa will appear to begin the next stage.

Move the crystal out of the road (Image via HoYoverse)

Pick up the crystal on the road and place it in the circled spot on the left. This will conclude the second part of the Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste quest in Genshin Impact.

Southeast of Elynas

Pneumousia Relay puzzle location (Image via HoYoverse)

The next canvas is located southeast of Elynas. This time you will find four Pneumousia Relay puzzles. Solving this puzzle is very simple. Simply hit all four of them with the nearby Ousia energy block, and an Exquisite Chest will spawn.

Move the relay to the left (Image via HoYoverse)

In the next stage of the puzzle, move the nearest Pneumousia Relay to the marked spot. Completing this challenge will give you another 20 Primogems.

Central Elynas

Puzzle 4 location (Image via HoYoverse)

The fourth challenge is located in central Elynas. This time you will find one Pneumousia crystal puzzle, and hitting it will summon a blue ramp along with Hydro particles. Depending on its alignment, some parts of the platform will appear and disappear. Carry a Bow user and start collecting the particles. Each time you reach the end of the ramp, hit the crystal using the Bow unit to summon new ramps.

Open the chest after completing the challenge and talk to Salsa.

Place the crystal on the stone structure (Image via HoYoverse)

In the second stage of this puzzle, simply move the crystal and place it on the stone structure.

Northwest of Court of Fontaine

This puzzle is located in the Court of Fontaine (Image via HoYoverse)

The fifth puzzle in Genshin Impact's Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste quest is located northwest of the Court of Fontaine. This time you will face a Windmill challenge. Use an Anemo character to move them and summon Hydro particles that lead up to the next Windmill. Collect the particles and keep doing this until you reach your starting position.

Pull the Windmill in the flower field (Image via HoYoverse)

In the second part of this challenge, there is only one Windmill that is not in the flower field. Pick it up and place it in the marked location. This will complete the first five puzzles in the Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Genshin Impact quest and unlock the final part.

North of Court of Fontaine

Final puzzle location (Image via HoYoverse)

This final part of the Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Genshin Impact quest is located right across the domain in the north of the Court of Fontaine. You will see a few slimes and four Hydro monuments. Defeat the mobs and then form a Hydro core using Hydrogranas to activate the totems. Grab the chest and talk to the NPC.

Lift the monument (Image via HoYoverse)

Lift the buried monument to complete the final puzzle in this Genshin Impact quest line. This will trigger a short cutscene and conclude the quest. Completing the Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste will also unlock a hidden achievement, Aesthetics of Ugliness, worth five Primogems.

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