Back in March of this year, Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell split up. They were one of my favorite couples ever, and they had (at the time) recently welcomed a son together. I always got the impression that he was really into her and my heart broke a little bit for Jamie. I also got the impression that Evan was the one doing the dumping. So many of us asked “WHY?” Well, the story at the time was that Evan had decided that she was more into women than men, that she was too “edgy” to be tied down in a traditional marriage to a man. There were reports that Evan started cozying up (big-time) to some prominent members of the Hollywood lesbian community. And now Page Six says that Evan might have found a girlfriend:
The Twitter flirtation between Evan Rachel Wood and “The L Word” star Katherine Moennig seems to have moved offline. A spy at the Hammer Museum’s annual Gala in the Garden in LA — where stars included Julia Roberts, Demi Moore and Orlando Bloom — said, “Evan Rachel Wood arrived with Kate Moennig. They were holding hands and looked very much like a couple.”
The source added that the attractive pair headed to a secluded table and “kept close all night.”
Wood, who split from “Billy Elliot” star Jamie Bell in May after less than two years of marriage, and has been linked to Marilyn Manson, has tweeted that she’s bisexual and said of Moennig online, “Just saw @katemoennig at a flea market. I turned to mush and ran. Love her!!” Moennig shot back, “you should have said hi.”
Wood also tweeted, “I had a dream @katemoennig and I were stuck in a cab together for hours during pride in NY. We just fell asleep though.”
Moennig, who also stars on “Ray Donovan,” has been tight-lipped about her private life. The actresses’ reps didn’t get back to us.
If Evan had to leave Jamie Bell for anyone, I was sort of hoping it would be Ellen Page, just because… well, that would be hot. Right?! But I guess I’m okay with Evan and Katherine Moennig. I didn’t know her on-sight before today, but now that I’m looking through photos of her… I’ve seen some of her work (she played a trans woman on L&O: SVU!). She’s been in The L Word, Ray Donovan, Three Rivers and assorted TV shows and movies. So… cute couple? Or are you still mad that Evan stomped on Jamie Bell’s heart?
Photos courtesy of WENN.