Rasheeda Frost Posted A Video Which Has Fans Talking About Her Relationship With Her Husband Kirk Fr

Rasheeda Frost is an American rapper who is known for the few songs she has released. She’s also been a prominent reality tv cast member and is known by fans to be extremely wild and extremely fun. She does have a large fan following due to her personality and singing talents.

Kirk Frost is the husband of Rasheeda Frost and he is also known as a respected rapper. The two seemed to have a good relationship until certain things changed people’s perception of them as a great couple. The two may be in some relationship trouble as Rasheeda Frost uploaded a video on her Instagram page.

The couple has made it to the headlines as Kirk cheated on Rasheeda Frost and brought another child into the world through the woman he cheated on her with. In the recent post, Rasheeda Frost was relaxing in a lounge chair and was mouthing alongside the lyrics of a song of an individual who was blinded by the actions of someone because they wished to see the good in them.

Although Rasheeda Frost never outright claimed it was for him, she did caption the post “I mean like FR FR” which means “For Real”. As many saw the video, fans began to assume that it was for her husband of 20 years. Some fans empathized with Rasheeda Frost however many fans were quick to say that she had indeed been blind-sighted.

One fan went as far as to comment that she was blind because Kirk had dragged her through the mud and back and she still chose to stay with him. Other fans were commenting how there was never any good in Kirk, to begin with.

Other people in the comments simply said that they had been telling her for years that Kirk was not a good guy but she never listened. The empathy was not there for Rasheeda Frost because many of the fans believed she had done this to herself.


However, some fans were nicer to her and wished that she would heal soon. They wished her a happy life and for her to find love as soon as possible. Others just chose not to be nice to her.
