Uber, Lyft Drivers to Strike in Major Cities Ahead of Uber Wall Street Debut

Uber and Lyft drivers plan to strike Wednesday in major cities around the globe in opposition to Uber’s upcoming Wall Street debut. The drivers are striking for livable incomes, job security, and regulated fares, among other demands. Drivers’ demands vary by city and group, but many are aiming to gain greater transparency over termination, better working conditions, and improved wages. Strikes are planned in major U.S. cities, as well as parts of the U.K., Australia, and South America. In Southern California, drivers are planning to go offline for 24 hours. In Atlanta, workers plan to log off the apps for 12 hours. Drivers in New York City plan to strike during rush hour, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., for maximum effect. “With the IPO, Uber’s corporate owners are set to make billions, all while drivers are left in poverty and go bankrupt,” said Bhairavi Desai, executive director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, one of the organizations supporting the strikes, in a statement.

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